1. Introduction

A key fob battery is an essential component of any modern car, allowing drivers to remotely unlock the doors and start the engine with a simple push of a button. Unfortunately, like all batteries, key fob batteries can fail over time, resulting in decreased performance or complete failure. In this article, we will discuss the common symptoms of a bad or failing key fob battery as well as how to test, replace and maintain your key fob battery life.

2. What is a Key Fob Battery?

A key fob battery is a small rechargeable lithium-ion battery that powers the electronic components of your vehicle’s keyless entry system. The battery allows you to remotely lock and unlock your car doors as well as start your engine with just the push of a button. The lifespan of a key fob battery can vary depending on usage, but typically lasts between 2-5 years before needing to be replaced.

3. Common Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Key Fob Battery

The most common symptom of a bad or failing key fob battery is decreased range when attempting to lock or unlock your vehicle’s doors from afar. If you find that you are having difficulty locking or unlocking your car from farther away than usual, it could be due to a weak or failing key fob battery. Other symptoms may include:
• Difficulty starting the engine with the push button start
• Unresponsive buttons on the remote
• Intermittent locking/unlocking issues

4. Reasons for a Bad or Failing Key Fob Battery

There are several reasons why your key fob battery may be failing prematurely including age, excessive use, and exposure to extreme temperatures. As mentioned earlier, most key fobs last between 2-5 years before needing to be replaced; however if you find yourself replacing yours more frequently then it could be due to overuse or exposure to extreme temperatures such as cold weather which can cause batteries to drain quicker than normal.

5. How to Test a Key Fob Battery

Testing your key fob’s battery is relatively easy and can be done at home by using either an ohmmeter (a device used for measuring electrical resistance) or multimeter (an instrument used for measuring voltage). To test the voltage level of the key fob’s lithium-ion battery:
• Disconnect the positive (+) terminal from the negative (-) terminal on the backside of the remote control unit
• Connect one end of an ohmmeter/multimeter probe to each terminal
• Read and record the voltage level displayed on screen

6. How to Replace a Key Fob Battery

Replacing your vehicle’s keyfob battery is relatively straightforward and can usually be done at home without any special tools required; however some vehicles may require specialized tools so it’s best to consult with an automotive professional first if you are unsure how to proceed safely and correctly. Generally speaking though all you need is:
• A replacement lithium-ion CR2032 3V coin cell
• A flathead screwdriver

7. Signs of an Overcharged Key Fob Battery

If you notice that your vehicle’s remote control unit has become unresponsive after being left in direct sunlight for too long then this could indicate that its lithium-ion coin cell has been overcharged due its exposure to high temperatures which causes its voltage levels to increase beyond what is safe for operation – leading it become unresponsive when attempting use it again afterwards until its voltage levels have returned back down within normal operating ranges again (typically takes around 24 hours).

8 Tips for Maintaining Your Key Fob Battery Life

To help extend the life span of your vehicle’s remote control unit’s lithium-ion coin cell here are some tips that you should keep in mind:
• Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods (especially during summer months) • Avoid exposing it extreme temperatures such as cold weather • Try not use too frequently as this will cause its voltage levels drop quicker than normal • Keep spare CR2032 3V coin cells handy in case yours fails unexpectedly • Have an automotive professional inspect/replace them every few years

9 Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding how bad or failing key fobs work and how they can affect your vehicle’s performance is important in order ensure that they remain working properly at all times – especially during those hot summer months when their batteries tend get drained quicker than normal due their exposure high temperatures! By following these simple tips outlined above you should have no problem keeping yours running smoothly year round!

Warning Signs Your Key Fob Battery is on its Last Legs: Look Out for These Symptoms!


What happens when key fob battery is low?

Usually a key fob with a dead battery will start showing some or all of the following symptoms: The vehicle cannot be controlled easily and will not start. Comes with features to bring you closer to your work.

Will a bad key fob battery cause car not to start?

8. My key fob battery is dead. If you have a vehicle that starts without taking the fob out of your pocket the fob contains a battery that is sent to your vehicle when you connect it. If the fob battery is dead the car will recognize you and not start.

When should I replace my key fob battery?

In general remote control car batteries should last three to four years. Also there are some alerts that will let you know when your remotes battery is low. The first symptom is a drop in signal strength. Most modern key fobs can send a signal to your vehicle up to several feet away.

Can I start my car with a dead key fob?

Even if the electronic key battery is flat you can still enter and start the vehicle (if equipped). Well show you where and how to put the keychain to work.

What is the average life of a key fob battery?

Battery life for most basic car fobs is three to four years under normal use Freeman said.

How do you test a key fob battery?

Set the multimeter to the voltage reading setting and touch the positive and negative leads on the corresponding side of the battery. The CR2032 is a 30V power supply so any battery lower than that will block it.

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