1. Introduction

Synthetic oil has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many drivers opting to switch from conventional oil to synthetic in order to increase the performance and longevity of their vehicles. While synthetic oil has many benefits, there are also potential risks associated with switching to synthetic oil in older cars. This article will discuss the risks of switching to synthetic oil in older cars, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

2. What is Synthetic Oil?

Synthetic oil is a type of motor oil that is artificially created from chemical compounds rather than being derived from crude oil like conventional motor oils. Synthetic oils are designed to provide superior protection for engines and are often recommended for high-performance vehicles or vehicles that are driven frequently or under extreme conditions. Synthetic oils typically have higher viscosity levels than conventional motor oils, which means they can better withstand extreme temperatures and provide better lubrication for an engine’s moving parts.

3. Advantages of Synthetic Oil in Older Cars

The primary advantage of using synthetic oil in older cars is that it can help extend the life of the engine by providing superior protection against wear and tear due to its higher viscosity levels. Additionally, synthetic oils tend to last longer than conventional motor oils and require fewer changes, which can save money over time. Synthetic oils also tend to perform better at lower temperatures than conventional motor oils, making them ideal for cold weather climates where temperatures drop below freezing during winter months.

4. Risks of Using Synthetic Oil in Older Cars

While there are several advantages associated with using synthetic oil in older cars, there are also potential risks associated with switching from conventional motor oil to synthetic oil in older cars. One risk is that some older engines may not be able to handle the higher viscosity levels provided by synthetic oils due to age or design flaws, which could cause damage or reduce performance over time if used incorrectly or without proper maintenance. Additionally, some older engines may not be compatible with certain types of synthetics due to compatibility issues between different types of synthetics and conventional motor oils; this could result in premature engine failure if used incorrectly or without proper maintenance.

5. Comparing the Cost of Synthetic Oil to Conventional Oil

When considering whether or not switching from conventional motor oil to synthetic is worth it, it’s important to factor in cost savings over time when comparing the two options. While synthetic oils tend to cost more up front than conventional motor oils, they typically last longer and require fewer changes over time – meaning you’ll save money on labor costs associated with frequent changes as well as on purchasing new bottles of motor oil every few months or years depending on your vehicle’s needs and driving habits.Additionally, many manufacturers offer extended warranties on vehicles equipped with synthetics – meaning you could save even more money if something were to go wrong down the road due to a defect covered under warranty.

6. The Impact of Switching To Synthetic Oil on Your Engine

Switching from conventional motor oil to a full-synthetic blend can have a positive impact on your engine’s performance over time since full-synthetics provide superior protection against wear and tear due its higher viscosity levels compared with traditional petroleum-based products.Additionally,full-synthetics tend to be more resistant against oxidation,meaning they won’t break down as quickly as traditional petroleum-based products – resulting in less build up inside your engine over time.Furthermore,some full-synthetics contain additives that can help reduce friction between moving parts,resulting in improved fuel economy.

7.Potential Issues With Using Synthetic Oils In Older Vehicles

Though there are several potential benefits associated with switching from conventional motor oil to a full-synthetic blend,there are also potential issues that may arise when using synthetics in older vehicles.For example,some engines may not be able to handle the higher viscosity levels provided by full-synthetics due age or design flaws,resulting decreased performance over time if used incorrectly or without proper maintenance.Additionally,compatibility issues between different types of synthetics and traditional petroleum – based products could result premature engine failure if used incorrectly or without proper maintenance.It’s important consider these potential issues before making switch from traditional petroleum – based products full – synthetics.


In conclusion,there are both advantages and risks associated with switching from traditional petroleum – based products full – synthetics when it comes maintaining an older vehicle’s engine.Some advantages include improved performance,increased fuel economy,extended life expectancy,cost savings over time due fewer required changes ; however,it’s important consider potential compatibility issues between different types of synthetics traditional petroleum – based products before making switch as well potential decreased performance due age – related design flaws before making any decisions regarding which type of product use maintain your vehicle’s engine health.


1 ) “What Is Synthetic Motor Oil ? ” Mobil Motor Oils Official Website ; https : / / www.mobiloil.com / en / usa / product – services / car – care / what – is – synthetic – motor – oi l ( Accessed April 28th 2021 )
2 ) “Synthetice vs Conventional Motor Oil : What ‘ s The Difference ? ” Valvoline Official Website ; https : //www.valvoline.com/motor-oil/conventional-vs-synthetic (Accessed April 28th 2021)
3 ) “Advantages & Disadvantages Of Full Synthetic Motor Oils” Castrol Official Website ; https://www3castrolcom/en_gb/united kingdom/car/advice/full-syntheticoil (Accessed April 28th 2021)

The Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Oil: How Switching Could Put Your Older Car at Risk

Is it OK to put synthetic oil in an old car?

Modern synthetic oils are safe to use in all types of vehicles from newly purchased vehicles to classic vehicles to aging non-classic vehicles. The notion that synthetic oils are bad for older engines probably arose before synthetic oils were widely tested.

Can switching to synthetic oil cause problems?

So switching your vehicle from mineral oil to synthetic oil (and vice versa) usually aims to damage your engine.

Is there a downside to using synthetic oil?

Some disadvantages of synthetic oil should be aware of: Perhaps the most obvious disadvantage of synthetic oil is cost. Synthetic oil is two to four times more expensive than conventional oil. Synthetic materials may be more susceptible to additive precipitation under refrigerated conditions.

Is it okay to switch from high mileage oil to synthetic?

You can change your regular motor oil to Mobil 1™ synthetic oil (and vice versa if you wish) without any special procedures. There are two exceptions to this: high mileage engines that have never used synthetic motor oil or engines that use regular motor oil and have not had a service failure.

What type of oil is best for older cars?

Newer engines are designed to use this light lubricant internally and improved sealing techniques prevent leaks but we generally think older engines are better suited to the heavier synthetic oil 10W-30 or 20W-50. July 27 2015

What happens if you put non synthetic oil in a car that needs synthetic oil?

So what if you ignore the recommendations in the owners manual and switch to conventional oil? Calkins said the engine wasnt going to explode or anything. But you will see that the deposits will grow and grow. And again its okay to supplement with conventional oils in a pinch.

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